Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In the beginning...

Well here it goes,my first attempt at setting up a blog. I don't really know what i am doing, and i don't know where i am going with this. I am excited to hear from anyone and everyone, and if you have something to say please do. From the words of Yeats:

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats 'He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven'
So I hope to hear from you soon.


Dr Paul Mountfort said...

Well, Ra, let me be the first to say hello. What critical issue in the world interests you most, or would you most like to discuss?

Look at where your Delicious tagging is clustering and see if you can find an area to post some substantial - linked - posts there. That's one way to begin (you can always scrub the floor clean if it doesn't seem to cohere).

IdaPida said...

oh i wanted to be the first:( hehe

I am very interested in seeing what you can find on ownership as it's such a big issue.
I mean who wouldn't feel a bit uhm what do u call it.. victimized or something along those lines, if someone stole your work and passed it off as their own?
I'm sure u have stories to post and information.

i am looking forward to reading your blog Rachel:D

rachel said...

Yeah, maybe thats my problem my floor is just too darn dirty. If we had less homework i could clean my house lol.
I have a topic, ownership and the internet i just are not quite sure where i am going from there.

Dr Paul Mountfort said...

Yeah , well, you don't wanna cast your Yeatsian dreams on a dirty floor!

Great topic - sorry - and I look forward to more.

IdaPida said...

so where's my promised comment dear? hehe..

hanna said...

Hi~ rachel~ ^^
it's pretty issuable topic nowadays! i wanna hear a lot from you and let's discuss :)